How to Help Your Loved One Transition to Assisted Living

(While most older adults prefer to stay at home for as long as possible, sometimes assisted living can be a good option. Guest post below is by Lydia Chan). Assisted living has many benefits for older adults, but that doesn’t necessarily mean your loved one is looking forward to the idea. In many cases, seniors… Continue reading How to Help Your Loved One Transition to Assisted Living

A Bittersweet Farewell to DOROT

Today I completed a 15 month assignment at DOROT, an organization on the Upper West Side of Manhattan which focuses on reducing social isolation for older adults and promoting inter-generational activities. My role was to help roll out a new tech coaching program, helping older adults to learn how to better use their smartphones by… Continue reading A Bittersweet Farewell to DOROT

Online Classes for Older Adults

In June / July 2020, I delivered several presentations for older adults: Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan, SeniorTech NYC: Things to Do While Stuck at Home, Tue, 6/16 @ 7 PM – While the pandemic has been challenging for all of us, we have been able to participate in many events from home on our computers… Continue reading Online Classes for Older Adults

A Ray of Sunshine in a Dark Time

Especially for older adults, the coronavirus pandemic has been an especially challenging time. My heart goes out to have already contracted the illness, and also to those health care workers who risk their own safety to continue to care for them. But in every storm, there is at least a small ray of sunshine. Using… Continue reading A Ray of Sunshine in a Dark Time

Please reach out to older adults, esp. at this time

While we are all are adjusting to a new way of life due to the effect of the coronavirus, our older adults are especially at risk right now. Many of them are socially isolated during normal times, and now the situation is much more difficult. Follow the lead of DOROT‘s Executive Director, Mark Meridy and… Continue reading Please reach out to older adults, esp. at this time

2019 Implications for 2020 Innovations

By David Dring & Norman Reiss As the year comes to a close, here are our thoughts on a few key improvements within aging services that will enable significant enrichment in the quality of life for older adults and those that serve them in 2020 and beyond.  As a nonprofit, capacity building organization, the Interactive Aging Netwoork… Continue reading 2019 Implications for 2020 Innovations

Fun Jobs for Retired Seniors

Guest Post by Sharon Wagner from When it comes to retirement, everyone has a different approach, and many seniors who retire don’t wish to leave the workforce altogether. Fortunately, there is a variety of interesting and fun jobs for retired seniors who want to remain active in the working world.  Connect With the Community… Continue reading Fun Jobs for Retired Seniors

DOROT’s Thanksgiving Banquet

For many years I’ve had the pleasure of volunteering at DOROT’s annual Thanksgiving Banquet, which was held Sunday, Nov. 24 at Congregation Rodeph Sholom on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Now as a DOROT employee, I helped not only to serve the meal, but also assisted to prepare meal packages which were delivered to… Continue reading DOROT’s Thanksgiving Banquet